FedEx 2Day Now Available at LetterStream to Send Letters

For those of you who see us promoting FedEx letters on our website but can’t quite find the button to make it happen; we have great news! Most of you will now be able to send FedEx 2Day letters, with ease on our website.

What is FedEx 2Day?

FedEx 2Day is just one of the many FedEx fast delivery products that is offered. FedEx 2Day offers the speed, security, tracking and confidence that all FedEx products offer. It’s like an overnight letter that takes one extra day to get there.

LetterStream offers the standard FedEx 2Day letter option, which will get your letters or documents delivered by 5 P.M. the second business day from when you mail it. FedEx does offer a 2Day A.M. product, which we do not currently offer.

How Fast is FedEx 2Day?

FedEx 2Day is pretty quick. Like the name implies, it will take two (2) business days for your letter to arrive and will arrive by 5 P.M. to most destinations. Let’s break this down. If you combine the speed that LetterStream offers along with this FedEx product, then your letter will get there in no time.

If you were to load the documents to our website on Monday, then they will arrive at your intended destination by Wednesday. Keep in mind; no trips to the FedEx store, or post office, no scheduling pickup for your letter, no hassle of buying a FedEx envelope. Just the ease of sitting at your computer, uploading your document and easily sending it on its way.

FedEx envelope with FedEx letter to represent FedEx 2Day shipping.

Why Would I Choose FedEx 2Day?

FedEx 2Day is a great solution for sending a lot of different documents, since it’s not that much more expensive than Certified Mail, especially when you need to send a lot of documents to a specific location. Around 50, 8.5 in. x 11 in. documents, can be placed in a single FedEx 2Day envelope and be delivered for around $18.

FedEx gives you tracking information so you can see where your letter is at any moment. It provides you with proof of mailing and proof of delivery. Unlike other items with tracking, FedEx is dedicated to ensuring your letter reaches its destination. This allows them to achieve a much higher delivery rate than maybe some of their competitors, in our humble opinion.

What’s more, FedEx is a known and trusted brand for delivering on time, nearly every time. When a FedEx package arrives, you know it is something special, that it’s something important that you should embrace and open.

Some competing products that offer tracking don’t quite capture that same vibe. Think about it; have you ever received a letter with a green bar across the top and put it off because you might not want to know what is inside? FedEx generally doesn’t give people that same feeling. Wouldn’t you agree?

How Do I Send FedEx 2Day?

Oh yes, I nearly forgot. You are probably wondering, “how do you actually send a FedEx 2Day letter?”

Sending FedEx 2Day letters is an easy selection when you start to create your mailing on the LetterStream website. You simply click “To Send a Letter,” and you can choose from multiple options like First-Class, Certified Mail, and now FedEx 2Day.

Step-by-Step Process for FedEx 2Day

Backend of LetterStream portal where you create a job and choose send letters
  1. Head to the homepage for
  2. Log into your LetterStream account.
  3. On the main dashboard page, select the button to “Send Letter(s).”
  4. Name your job, select the address source and then, on the same page, choose the delivery method on the right hand side. There should be an option for FedEx 2Day to select.
LetterStream online portable that shows where you upload your job and how to choose the FedEx 2Day option

If by some chance you’re not seeing that seeing that option:

For security reasons the FedEx product is not available to users who have not been a customer for less than 90 days. It gets complicated but let’s just say we don’t want to block any users from finding this product, so if you have a legitimate need for the FedEx2Day option and you can’t seem to find it, reach out to our support team and we’ll get you taken care of.

When Will Overnight Options be Available?

The FedEx overnight option is currently available to a few select customers who meet our criteria. However, if you have the need to send more than 100 overnight letters per year, reach out to us and we may be able to qualify you for this added service.

To learn more about FedEx 2Day, click here.

What Happens to Mail Delivery During a Powerful Hurricane?

You’ve heard the old adage, “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” Well, while that goes to show the determination of the 300,000 plus fearless United States Postal Service (USPS) mail carriers, it doesn’t always reflect the full story of mail delivery.

Mail Delivery Disrupted

Mail delivery can be disrupted by a great many natural and not-so-natural causes. Take Hurricanes for instance. While mail carriers may be determined to show up and sort and deliver the mail, sometimes roads are closed or impassible due to high water and they aren’t able to make it to their designated Post Office.

Sometimes Post Offices are damaged by rising flood waters, a storm surge and even extra heavy rain that seeps into the building before it could drain away. When Post Offices are flooded, they need to be shut down and mail needs to be diverted to nearby postal facilities until the water has cleared and the Post Office can be used again.

What you might not know is that the USPS keeps an active list of all the Post Offices that are closed and the various reasons that cause them to be unable to sort or process mail.

USPS Service Page Alerts

At the time of this publication, the USPS website ( has a link in the footer of their website called USPS Service Updates. Clicking the link will take you to their Service Alerts page.

Today, August 30, 2023, the USPS shows 50 Post Offices closed in the state of Florida for Hurricane Idalia, which has yet to make landfall. When Idalia comes to shore and pushes a storm surge towards the coast, we are likely to see even more Post Office closures.
A list of post offices closed for Hurrican Idalia

Also, it’s not just current Post Office closures that show up on this page but also past ones. Consider this list of closures for Hurricane Ian on November 4 of 2022.
A list of post offices that were closed because of power outages

Keep in mind, it’s not just Hurricane’s that can disrupt mail delivery times. Any natural disaster, including fires, mudslides, tornados, floods, earthquakes and volcanos, to name just a few, can cause a Post Office to close and delay mail. Even non-weather events can close a Post Office. Here are a couple of post offices that were closed due to power outages.

A list of post offices that were closed during the hurricane in Ohio.

Not all closures result in delayed mail. Sometimes our cherished mail pieces can be diverted to a nearby Post Office and mail carriers report for duty at this secondary facility and carry on with their work. However, just because the mail carrier can sort the mail, it doesn’t mean that the coast is clear for them to deliver mail to their entire mail route.

Mail Tracking

So, when you send USPS Certified Mail and follow the Certified Mail Receipts or tracking information, you might see odd delays and rerouting of the mail. Sometimes this is due to postal closures. First-Class Mail doesn’t have the same transparency in that tracking as it isn’t typically included in First-Class Mail service. But, you still may discover that a letter arrived a few days later than you anticipated. When wondering why, consider checking the USPS service alerts just to see what might be happening in that local area.

Given the number of storms and unforeseen circumstances that takes place around us, we have to give our local mail carriers a hand for working and doing their best, despite the weather, in order to get our mail delivered on time, every (or nearly every) time.

Mailing for Success: How To Get Your Mail Opened

Should you utilize LetterStream for sending out promotional mail with the aim of expanding your potential client base and, ideally, boosting your income, we are delighted to accompany you on this journey.

We believe you’ll see some positive results in your bottom line when promoting your goods and services through postal mail.

Increase the Chance of Someone Opening Your Letters

To make a mailing campaign work, there are two things to focus on. The first is what’s on the outside that gets your letter opened. The second is what’s on the inside that delivers your specific message and call-to-action. Think about this in your marketing strategy.

We like to consider the first step as judging a book by its cover. We realize you’ve probably been taught not to judge a book by its cover, but let’s face it, that’s how we all work, especially when it comes to making purchases.

What Should the Outside of My Mail Piece Look Like?

For this article, we are focusing on the external components and the important things to consider in order to get your envelope opened.

Whether you’re sending an invoice, a newsletter, or a direct mail marketing campaign, these principles hold true. The exterior of your mail item is what compels the receiver to open and scrutinize the letter or its contents.

It’s Not About Pretty Envelopes

Yes, you read that correctly and this may throw a twist into things a bit. We may even get a lot of push back from the graphic designers and envelope engineers out there. However, it’s not about pretty and it’s not about eye-catching. It’s about something far simpler.

Getting someone to open an envelope from the postal service is all about the term “recognizable”. Think about this the next time you sort and open your mail. Chances are, unless you design envelopes or are in marketing, you won’t sort your mail by pretty or eye-catching. Instead, you will sort and even prioritize by the concept of “recognizable.”

Make your Envelopes Recognizable

You’ve likely already realized this while going through your own mail: your envelope should hold something identifiable or familiar to resonate with the recipient.

Consider the reasons behind your specific method of sorting your incoming mail, and let’s try to define the different priorities based on the principle of recognition.

The Mail Sorting Routine

Let’s capture the mail sorting process. Keep in mind the exact steps won’t be the same for everyone. I ought to know, for some weird reason I like to sort my mail by envelope size, from smallest to largest.

General Sorting Efforts Beyond Envelope Size

A person generally will end up with a couple piles of mail after sifting through the stack. There will be the friendly mail like wedding invitations, birthday cards, holiday letters and thank you notes.

Next there will be the pile of bills that need to be sorted out for payment and processing, maybe not now, but not to be forgotten.

Then there’s the rest of the mail. Granted, you may make a pile for grocery store coupons and various other items, but the bulk of everything else is just noise. You might just dump it in the shred bin, or you may let it accumulate for another day when you have more time. Which face it, never really happens.

Which Pile Would You Like Your Message In?

That’s easy; you want it in the friendly mail pile. If you can’t obtain that, you’ll want it in the bill pile. If you can’t secure that, you’ll want it to be the most stand-out piece in the pre-shred pile.

Our recommendations are deigned to keep your mail out of stack three completely. We want action taken by the receiver before they toss it through the shredder.

Hey, I know This Sender

We believe there are two key components of recognition and familiarity.

The first component is, do you know the name in the return address of the envelope? We believe fairly early in the process you will look at the sender’s name to decide which pile the mail goes into. If you see a family member’s name or an old high school buddy on the envelope, it’s going to get opened first.

These personal connections are the most powerful for getting a piece of mail opened. (Side note: This also is why its important to send a personal note to a potential business contact within days of meeting them. So that your name and sales pitch are still in the forefront of their mind.) So, be sure to put your name and/or company name on the outside of the envelope.

If you choose to not place your name or company name on the outside of the envelope, you might feel like you are being clever. However, it’s quite similar to a cell phone call which pops up on your phone as “restricted”. Most people won’t answer the call. The same is true for mail. People won’t open your letter.

The second way to make the return address recognizable is to send it from a town local to your recipients. This isn’t often possible, but when you can, try to make it happen.

Is This a Bill?

Here’s where a transactional mailing company like ours has a totally different perspective than flashy marketing companies.

We know that bills get opened, and we also know they get sorted to the second tier of mail. If something looks like a bill, it will avoid the first round of shredding. Why? Because of importance.

For clarification, we are still talking about the outside of the envelope. Bills come in plain white envelopes, have a security tint on the envelope and typically have one or two windows for addresses to show through.

We don’t recommend making your message look like a bill, as that could make people grouchy. However, we recommend making it look important.

Do You Really Know Me?

Who are your true friends? Are they the ones that call you by your casual name or your nickname? We may not know entirely but we do know, they don’t call you by your last name followed by your first name (Jones, Mike).

If you receive a piece of mail with your last name, a coma and your first name, are you intrigued? Is the sender familiar? No; no one would call you that.

There’s a reason we call it the First Name and Last Name. Also, spell your recipients names correctly. If you don’t know how to spell their name, don’t bother sending the mail.

Should You Make Your Stamp Stand Out?

To be honest, we don’t get it either. Stamps probably don’t make any difference. If you see grandma’s name in the return address area of a piece of mail, you’re going to open the letter. Doesn’t matter if it has a squished bug where a stamp should be.

There are so many other mail sorting methods that take priority over the stamp, that you probably shouldn’t care about it. Let’s rephrase. Put real stamps on your wedding invitations and other luxurious mailings in order to honor your friends but don’t use it on marketing mail.

If It Doesn’t Arrive, It Won’t Be Opened

Seems simple, but that’s not always the case. We can’t forget making sure you have right addresses.

Double check your mailing list. Make sure you didn’t accidently sort only of your addresses and scramble up your entire mailing list. Yes, this one makes us a little sick and we’ve seen it far too many times. Databases and Excel spreadsheets can assist in shuffling your data, but ensure all elements are correctly aligned prior to uploading your address list.

You can also clean up your mailing lists using CASS software or better yet is the NCOA (National Change Of Address) database.

A quick note: we offer “Address Cleanup”/CASS and “Deluxe Address Cleanup”/NCOA on our website to help you get the most out of your mailing list. Also, if your data has gotten scrambled, our Deluxe Address Cleanup will let you know.

Another way to verify a few addresses is by using the USPS zip code lookup tool. Only use if you don’t mind entering them one at a time. It does more than look up a zip code; it will actually tell you if the address is complete and if it is valid.

Happy Mailing

Hopefully these little tidbits will help you reflect on your next mailing and how you can increase its effectiveness. And just maybe, your next mail piece will be recognized by your clients in their stack of mail!

Certified Mail – Return Receipt vs Electronic Return Receipt (ERR)

What is the difference between a Return Receipt and Electronic Return Receipt (ERR)?

Actually, let’s get more specific, shall we? What are the different types of Return Receipt for Certified Mail?

There are two different ways to get a Return Receipt through the United States Postal Service (USPS) for your Certified Mail. The first is the traditional green card, also known as PS Form 3811, which the Postal Service calls a Return Receipt.

The second method is an Electronic Return Receipt (ERR). No special forms are needed to purchase or take advantage of with ERR. An Electonic Return Receipt, simply put, is an electronic version of a Return Receipt.

Do I Need a Return Receipt?

Let’s back up just a bit and point out that you may not even need a Return Receipt for your Certified Letter. A simple Certified Letter without a Return Receipt will provide tracking on or various other websites that have access to USPS tracking data, like and So, if you just want to know the status of your letter, you may not need to spring for the additional expense of a Return Receipt.

The Return Receipt, however, does give you the added information of the name and signature of the person who received your letter. This provides you with a little extra information and might help you prove that someone actually saw your letter and took it into their hands.

Return Receipt Vs Electronic Return Receipt

So, back to the differences between Return Receipts. A Return Receipt, also known as a green card, is a green pre-printed postcard that you can pick up at your local post office and apply to the back of the Certified letter you are about to mail.

You will need to add your address to the green card or the address where you’d like the green card sent after the letter gets signed for. You’ll also want to put the tracking number from the Certified Mail barcode label (PS Form 3800) on the green card as well so you will know specifically which letter the green card relates to.

After paying the extra fees for Return Receipt and attaching the form to your letter, you are ready to give the letter to the USPS and let them do their part. When they deliver your Certified letter with Return Receipt included, they will have the person who gets your letter sign the green card.

The postal carrier will then take the green card back to the USPS and put it in the mail so it will be returned to the sender. If all goes well, you’ll have your green card back in no time (or maybe longer, just depends).

The process gets a bit simpler with Electronic Return Receipt. You simply tell the USPS cashier that you’d like to send your Certified Letter with ERR. No extra forms are required, but there is a charge for this service. The cashier will scan the Certified Mail barcode (PS Form 3800) that you’ve placed on your letter. This tracking number will appear on your USPS receipt along with the fees for Electronic Return Receipt. You will then be able to use this tracking number to check the status of your Certified letter.

Collecting a Signature

When the mail carrier delivers your Certified letter, they will collect a signature either on the green card or on their digital tracking pad. When they get back to their office, they will either scan it into their computer system or they will download the signatures from their digital tracking pad.

Once the signature is in their computer system, they will create an electronic document/letter providing details of the delivery. It will show the date the letter was delivered and include the signature of the person who received the letter. If you choose to send it as a Return Receipt, the green card will get mailed back to you. If Electronic Return Receipt is choosen, this document will not be mailed to you; however, you can go to, enter the 20-digit tracking number from your receipt and request the signature via email when it is available.

If you choose to mail you Certified letter, either through LetterStream or then you can access a copy of the Electronic Return Receipt right in your online portal.

Is There a Difference Legally?

Some people want to know if there is a difference in the legal authority of a green card compared to an ERR. Long ago the USPS claimed on their website that there was no legal difference, however, they soon discovered that they are not the judge of that. Instead, the ultimate authority belongs to the local judge who gets to determine whether they are the same or not.

From our experience, the Electronic Return Receipt is accepted by most judges. We haven’t heard even a rumor of a judge tossing out the ERR as valid proof of delivery. If in doubt, we suggest that you contact the local authorities and see if they can confirm that an ERR is just as binding as a green card.

To sum it up, Return Receipt and Electonic Return Receipt both provide the same value when it comes to the added information of the name and signature of the person receiving your Certificated letter. One actually just is a bit more convenient than the other.

What Does My Tracking Information Mean?

2019-09-17 (3)

What Do Certified Mail Tracking Numbers Mean?

Using your LetterStream account you are able to track the entire process of your created Certified Mail – from job creation to successful delivery, and all other statuses in between.

Although we want nothing but the best for our customers, LetterStream cannot guarantee the success of a delivery or timeliness to your intended recipients since this is dependent upon the United States Postal Service (USPS).  We do, however, offer real-time transit status and tracking information for each piece of Certified Mail, which provided directly from the USPS.

Here is a breakdown of the various status levels along the journey:

Mailed: Your Certified Mail piece has been printed, inserted into envelopes, and given to the USPS for processing and to attempt to be delivered. This begins the transit stage of your Certified Mail. Mailed pieces shouldn’t be confused with Delivered mail, as “mailed” simply means that your letter(s) are in the mail stream/system.

In Transit: Your Certified Mail is in the hands of the USPS. At this point, we are at the mercy of the USPS in regard to a successful delivery to the intended recipient.

Delivery Attempted: Delivery to the intended recipient has been attempted. The Post Office likely left a notice of attempted delivery for the recipient with instructions on how and where the item can be received.

Unclaimed By Recipient: After attempts of delivery had been unsuccessful, and the recipient does not make an attempt to receive the item, the status is changed to “Unclaimed By Recipient.”

Refused By Recipient: If the intended recipient refuses to accept and/or sign for the mail piece, the status is changed to “Refused By Recipient” and is returned to the sender.

Returned To Sender: In the event the mail piece is undeliverable due to a bad address, the recipient is no longer at the address, etc., then the status is changed to “Returned To Sender.”

Delivered: Your Certified Mail was successfully delivered to the recipient, and a signature was acquired. Once this status is achieved and the USPS gives you access to the electronic signature file, you can view the signature by clicking the “View” link to the right of the status indicators for each recipient.

You will also see 3 status boxes next to each recipient within your LetterStream account.  These are color-coded by status.


See below for the color that represents the corresponding status: 

White – No action has occurred, or the Post Office has not updated the tracking information

Lime Green – Recent status updated successfully

Light Yellow – Unclaimed/Business Closed

Orange – Out for Delivery/Attempted

Violet – Forwarded

Pink – Returned to Sender

Dark Green – Returned (2nd box will be pink)

Red – Refused (2nd box will be pink)

These rules are applied to the tracking status bar at the top of the page as well.

Never be out of the loop along the journey.

Proposed USPS Price Updates For July, 2023

proposed_usps_postage_rate_increase_july_2023The USPS (United States Postal Service) has submitted new price requests to the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC), and the new rates will go into effect on July 9th, 2023.  These rates are still under review, but the USPS typically gets what they ask for.

In similar fashion to the last postage increase, the price of a first-class stamp will be raised by three cents again.  Below are the other notable changes that will have an impact on some of the other products LetterStream has to offer: 


  • First Class Letters (1 oz.) are going up, from $.63 up to $.66 cents
  • First Class Flats are going up, from $1.26 to $1.35
  • Certified Mail is going up, from $4.15 to $4.35
  • Certified ERR is going up, from $2.10 to $2.20
  • International Letters (1 oz.) are going up, from $1.45 up to $1.50
  • Domestic Postcards are going from $.48 up, to $.51
  • International Postcards are going from $1.45 up, to $1.50
  • Extra Ounces staying at $.24
  • Registered Mail is going up, from $24.35 to $25.90

If you’re looking for an electronic way to send your statements, we provide an email delivery service (eDoc Delivery), which allows you to send your documents via email directly through your LetterStream account.  This can be done in place of real mail or in addition to your real mail.  Click here for more information. 

For more information regarding this price increase, visit the USPS website or download the complete list of July 2023 USPS rate changes. 

Visit our website for more information about LetterStream and how to send your mail online without ever touching a piece of paper.

Pro tip:  if you want to get the old pricing but don’t want your mailing to go out before July 10th, you can always use our schedule job option to schedule your job to be mailed on a future date!

Why You Should Outsource Your Corporate Mail

A lot of organizations these days are trying to find ways to do less in the office. In a post-pandemic world, many companies have switched over to remote working styles, allowing their employees to work from home full-time. Without a collective office space, getting regular business mail out to your clients has become a challenge.

Fortunately, there are ways to minimize the amount of people coming into the office to perform outbound mailing operations at your company and let print and mailing companies do all the work instead. LetterStream has developed virtual mailroom services that allow you to outsource your printing and mailing all online.

You’ll be surprised to learn that our process is actually less complicated than sending an email and a lot easier than trying to communicate your needs to a traditional mailing company. LetterStream is here to make sure your corporate mailings are prepared correctly and that all your mail will be sent out to your clients on time.

What Is Outsourcing?

Companies may outsource services for a lot of different reasons. Instead of obtaining a product or service from an internal source, businesses hire someone outside of the company to do it instead. These third-party sources typically help perform operational tasks or other essential services or products that companies need help with.

Many companies choose to outsource certain tasks to lower their business costs and improve production efficiency. Third parties may also be independent contractors or experts in the field that can provide valuable advice and methods for performing operational tasks properly or more efficiently.

5 Reasons to Outsource Your Corporate Mail

Here are some reasons why you should consider outsourcing your corporate mail to LetterStream.

1. Reduce Business Expenses

Automated solutions for critical mail can help to lower business costs and expenses by offering competitive pricing that saves you money in the long run. Operating a mailroom internally can become very costly, especially considering the high price associated with equipment costs, paper, ink, toner, supplies, and maintenance. You should also consider the downtime and money associated with equipment problems that need to be fixed.

Performing mail operations can also take up a lot of your team’s time internally, as well as use up office space—or home space, if you’re working remotely. Outsourcing your corporate mail to a virtual mailroom can help maximize internal efficiency and ensure that necessary mail is sent in a timely manner.

Third-party online mail services are also trained and have specialized expertise in mail management. Any mail-related business functions can be handled by someone else, so your employees don’t have to worry about it on their to-do list. Your business will save money in the long run by allowing a high-tech mailing service to use an automated and cost-efficient system.

Instead of allowing mailing operations to detract from your overall business objectives, you can reinvest the money you save in the long run back into your business. Fortunately, LetterStream has no upfront costs, and we guarantee that you will save money right away, even by sending just one letter.

2. Improve Customer Service

There’s no doubt that your customers are important to you. Your business is more likely to be remembered when it can provide excellent customer service, making your customers more likely to come back.

When you utilize a virtual mailroom, you can maintain a critical business flow while still providing professionalism and top-notch service to your clients. By outsourcing your corporate mail, you have the freedom to focus on what’s most important—your customers. You can enhance the customer experience and ensure your employees are giving them first-rate customer service.

outsourcing mail services

3. Reduce Mishandled Mail

A virtual mailroom can help maintain mail security and reduce any error that could potentially occur in traditional mailing operations. Many third-party mailing services typically have access to high-level security systems that your business wouldn’t be able to afford if your mailing system was done internally.

When sending mail to your clients, security and safety are huge concerns. You must uphold and protect any confidential information in order to keep your customers and stay out of legal trouble. If you outsource your corporate mail, it will be delivered to an off-site, secure facility that can more thoroughly protect against mail threats or information breaches.

Fewer hands on your corporate mail also means avoiding any of it getting lost or stolen. Outsourcing your mailing services creates a risk-free environment for your business, saving you time and money.

4. Software As a Service

Outsourcing your mail gives you full insight into the mailing process, including incoming and outgoing mail. You can improve and accelerate the mailing process, resulting in happier customers and more money for your business.

LetterStream offers both first-class mailing and bulk or standard mailing. With our multi-level user portal, you can track your letter and see where it’s at in the process until it reaches its designated mail carrier.

At the USPS, all important documents must be sent as first-class mail. Unfortunately, the Post Office does not track first-class mail, but you can see in your LetterStream portal if your letter has reached the Post Office yet or not.

5. Scalable for Your Business Needs

LetterStream works with the USPS and FedEx to help reduce postage fees. No matter how large or small your business is, we can easily mail any items to fit your needs.

Third-party mailing services can also provide reporting on all mailed items and mailing processes to help reduce areas of unnecessary waste in materials or time. With more effective and streamlined processes, you will save more money in the long run.

Using LetterStream to Outsource Your Corporate Mail

LetterStream has developed a very modern portal that allows you to upload your mailings in just a few minutes; after that, we take care of the rest! We can operate based on your specifications in a timely and helpful manner.

Most of our corporate clients can upload their documents exactly as they were exported from their accounting or corporate software. Exporting to a PDF will allow you to load your files directly into our system without talking to our Sales or Customer Service teams—although, they’re here to help if you need them!

LetterStream can extract addresses right out of your PDF, creating an online address book that’s personalized just for you. Along with PDF files, we also accept mailing and address lists via Excel spreadsheet.

We want our mailing process to be easy and work well with you and your business, so we are flexible and will try to help in any way possible. We have countless administrative and power-user features that allow you to set up different user roles, define departments, run reports, and automatically notify others when a mailing has gone out.

Instead of going to the post office, send a letter by outsourcing your corporate mailing processes. LetterStream can help eliminate the frustrations of mailing internally in your company. Our Customer Service team is also stellar in assisting users who need a little extra guidance along the way.

If you’re looking for a company to outsource your corporate mailing through, or you want to learn more information about our mailing processes, LetterStream is here for you. Contact us today at 1-888-501-5288.

USPS Proposed Postage Increase for July, 2023

proposed_usps_postage_rate_increase_july_2023 3

On April 10th the United States Postal Service (USPS) filed their proposed mid-year price changes with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC). These proposed rates will be the second increase of the year and are set to take place at midnight on July 9, 2023.

Most notably, the price of a first-class stamp will raise by 3 cents, but there don’t appear to be as many changes as there have been in past price increases.

Here is a quick look at some of the prices that will be changing which will have an impact on LetterStream customers:

  • First Class Mail going up from $0.63 to $0.66
  • International Rates going up from $1.45 to $1.50
  • First-class postcards going up from $0.63 to $0.66

Sorry, this year we didn’t find any fees that went down for the products that we offer.

Click here to review the USPS 2023 postage rate press release.

Click here to download the complete list of 2023 USPS postage rate changes. Keep in mind, the Notice 123 for 2023 is still in review by the RPC and subject to change, but the USPS generally gets the rates they ask for.

LetterStream will be implementing these changes on the weekend of July 9th, so be sure to plan ahead and get your jobs paid for in our system before then to lock in the lower prices!

20% off Orange Paper and Postcards!

October Promotion

No tricks here, we are giving you a treat this Halloween season.
For the month of October, we will be offering 20% off all Orange 8 ½ X 11 paper and Orange Express Postcards.
You have a business to run and customers to keep happy, so we want to help you! For your festive holiday letters and notes look no further than LetterStream. For your fast mailing and printing needs, we’ll get the job done. Don’t wait until it’s too late and all the candy is gone, let us help you this Halloween season.

Las Vegas Debt Connection Symposium and Expo 2019


LetterStream takes on Vegas!

Come say Hi, and meet some of our LetterStream team. There are many ways that you can meet us, but in this case, all you have to do is stop by our booth. Were talking about the Las Vegas Debt Connection Symposium and Expo being hosted at the Red Rock Hotel, September 10th-12th, 2019. Our booth at this Expo will be stocked with our fantastic and passionate staff.

This Expo will be “focusing on networking and connection with clients, service providers, product suppliers, agencies, and attorneys- at a whole new level… This symposium and Expo’s concept is to have an opportunity to meet peers and other industry professionals, as well as finding new products and services that might make your job easier, better, more efficient, more productive, etc.”  (DCSE)

LetterStream is going to have staff on hand to explain why outsourcing print and mail projects makes the most sense, as well as showing how mail managers can get their important mailings out the door in as little as two minutes. We’re sure there will be many questions about how Certified Mail can be sent and tracked online without ever going to the post office, and will be more than happy to answer every last one of them.

Please stop in and see us about your first-class mailing, statement mailing, payment coupon booklet printing, FedEx letters, annual meeting notice, postcards, certified mail, and any other mailing projects that you might need for a better solution.

Be sure to stop by booth #202, and say hello. We will be awaiting your arrival. See you soon!